
Our team participates in publications on the different fields of environmental and social application in projects. We summarize some examples of works where our professional team has contributed.

Contributions for capacity building

Our team makes important contributions to building our clients environmental and social management capabilities. We summarize some examples of contributions in the creation of capacities of Project Execution Units and other clients in Latin America and The Caribbean.

1. More than 25 trainings on environmental and social safeguards of multilateral banking for Executing Agencies, Supervising Companies and Contractors in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

2. More than 15 internal IADB training courses on environmental and social safeguards.

3. Designed more than 50 environmental and social management systems in accordance with the safeguard policies of multilateral banks, the local context of each country and the nature of the project.

4. Prepared more than 50 environmental and social safeguards documents for the bidding and implementation of projects financed by multilateral banks (Inter-American Development Bank, European Investment Bank, World Bank).

5. Design and implementation of the occupational health and safety management system for six (6) companies. Certification of three (3) companies in occupational health and safety management systems and maintenance of their certification for three (3) years.

6. For 2.5 years, train and lead a team of 8 professionals for the implementation of the ESHS system in the Caracol Industrial Park (PIC) in Haiti. Part of the team that designed the ESHS System of the PIC with 12 prioritized procedures for implementation and drafted the complete system.

7. For seven (7) years, leading a team of more than 25 environmental, social and occupational health and safety supervisors during the implementation of projects financed by multilateral banks.

8. Speaker at conference on hazard identification and risk assessment at UTESA University, Dominican Republic.

9. Speaker at a conference on the application of ESHS standards in construction projects at Roi Henri Christophe University, Haiti.


1. Leader of the Project that was a model for the classification of projects as category C at the IADB.

2. Member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee at the IADB-ESG.

3. Represent the IADB Environmental and Social Solutions Unit in the “COVID-19 Emergency Project Management Committee”.

4. Instructor of Occupational Health and Safety topics for the IADB team leader certification course for moderate and low risk projects. July and October 2020.

5. Writer of the script and recording of the video for the Executing Agencies training, “A look at environmental and social risk management in IADB projects”. June 2020.

6. Co-author of the “IADB Internal Note on Safety, Health and Hygiene Protocols for the prevention of COVID-19 infection in the Infrastructure Sector”. April 2020.

7. Member of a multidisciplinary working group to explore training strategies to improve the capacities of implementing agencies in the management of OHS in projects in the context of COVID-19.