Our Services

The professional background of our team integrates extensive experience in conducting environmental and social assessments in compliance with the requirements of the Multilateral Bank’s Environmental and Social Policies, the Equator Principles and regulations of most Latin American and Caribbean countries.

The following is a summary of the main products we perform as part of our services:

Environmental and Social Assessments

1. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

2. Environmental and Social Analysis (ESA)

3. Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

4. Disaster Risk Management Plan and Climate Change (DRMP and CC)

5. Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

6. Community Safety Plan (CSP)

7. Environmental and social procedures

8. Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA)

9. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

10. Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS)

11. Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP)

12. Supervision of projects in compliance with environmental, social, occupational health and safety (ESHS) international requirements;

13. Indigenous Peoples Management Frameworks (IPMF)

14. Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP)

15. Human Rights Risk Analysis (HRRA)

16. Involuntary Resettlement Action Plan (IRAP)

17. Economic Displacement Plan (EDP)

18. Involuntary Resettlement Frameworks (IRF)

19. Stakeholder Engagement Plans (SEP)

20. Conduct public consultations, and consultations for resettlement and with indigenous population

21. Prepare consultation reports

22. Community grievance and complaint mechanisms (MQR)

23. Grievance and complaint mechanisms (MQR) for workers

24. Human Resources management procedures.

25. Environmental and social training in general.

26. Environmental and Social Rapid Assessment (ESRA).

27. Others.

Occupational Health and Safety

1. Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan (OHSMP)

2. Labor Management Plan (LMP)

3. Occupational Health and safety Management System (OHSMS)

4. Preparation of companies for OHHMS certification

5. Audiometry

6. Spirometry

7. Psychosocial evaluations

8. Ergonomic evaluations

9. Initial or pre-employment medical evaluations

10. Follow-up medical evaluations

11. Occupational Health and Preventive Medicine Programs

12. Collective health program

13. Infectious disease prevention plan

14. Occupational health and occupational safety training plan.

Independent Environmental and Social Assessments

1. Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD)

2. Environmental Management Systems Audits

3. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Audits

4. Audit of Quality Management Systems

5. Integrated Management Systems Audit

6. Project monitoring and follow-up of environmental, social, occupational safety and occupational health management.

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